
The enrollment fee is 40€ per person and includes: Orientation in the city, dossier, transfer service from train or bus station in Salamanca to your accomodation (contracted with us) in the city, student card, diploma and certificates.

The tuition payment will not be deductible from the total price of the course and will be valid for 6 months from the date of completion. Students enrolled in various courses will only pay the enrollment fee once.

Payment of the courses and services hired should be done through accepted means and in Spanish Courses Unamuno’s due date:

Courses in classroom and another services:

The payment of total amount (Inscription, Course and accomodation, where applicable) should be done two weeks before the begining course.

40€ + 40% Course +
Accomodation (where applicable)
If you have done this
payment, you won’t have any refund right.
60% remaining Course + Accomodation (where applicable) Devolution: You should notify your cancelation at least 10 days
before the beginning of the course. If you notify later you won’t have any refund.
Once you have paid all the course. No applicable any refund right.

You should pay the enrollment fee + 40% of the course and accomodation payment, where applicable, to get your reservation at least 4 weeks before the beginning of the course. Exception: Applications received after this time which has expired, once the scholar calendar allows it.  In these cases the payment for reservation must be done in an specific time depending on the particular case. The student will be informed conveniently.

The remaining 60% of the course and accomodation payment, (where applicable) may be done two weeks before the beginning of the course. Exception: Applications received after the time given for reservation which has expired, once the scholar calendar allows it.  In these cases the remain payment  must be done in an specific time depending on the particular case. The student will be informed conveniently.

Important information:

As a general rule of thumb, the total payment of the enrolment, course and accomodation in its case, must be done at least 2 weeks before the beggining of the course.

If you have to cancelate your trip to Salamanca for any reason, you may contact  us (using e-mail or fax) at least ten days before the beginning of the chosen course. This way, you could get your money back: 60% of the course and accomodation payment, (where applicable).

If you call us after this ten days, you won’t have any devolution right.

No Show Case: You wont’ have any devolution right.


Spanish Courses Unamuno does not include the following coverage for Covid-19 for individual students or for groups: medical assistance for Covid-19, extension of stay due to medical quarantine, repatriation after medical quarantine, early return due to declaration of State of Alarm.

The updated conditions for entry into Spain and the current Covid regulations can be consulted at the following link: https://www.sanidad.gob.es/profesionales/saludPublica/ccayes/alertasActual/nCov/spth.htm


A minimum amount of reserve is established to guarantee the management costs of Spanish Courses Unamuno and will be distinguished according to the reasons for cancellation:

1.- Medical reasons or refusal of VISA:

Important information: we will not provide any document in order to obtain a visa, until the payment required has been effected in full.

Once the student has to cancelate the trip or the course or services arranged with Spanish Courses Unamuno for any of these reasons, it is neccesary to send the certificate of:

a) Refusal of VISA and the specific reason once it is given by the Consulate. The student will send this certificate by e-mail  with acknowledgment of receipt (info@spanishcoursesunamuno.com) and in the time established for the refund to proceed (10 days before the beggining of the course)

b) Hospitalization or medical prescription. The student will send this certificate by e-mail  with acknowledgment of receipt (info@spanishcoursesunamuno.com) and in the time established for the refund to proceed (10 days before the beggining of the course)

In these cases, when the organization has rewied the documents, once it has been send in time and form, the student could have the right to recieve the refund of the total payment for the services arranged with Spanish Courses Unamuno with the discount of the minimum amount of 150€ for management fees. Financial fees will be on charge of the student. In no case will Spanish Courses Unamuno be responsible for these costs.

As an alternative to the return, the student can keep his reservation with SCU for a period of 6 months.

2.- For reasons other than the above, without justification

Once the student has to cancelate the trip or the course or services arranged with Spanish Courses Unamuno for any reason beyond the previous ones, he has to take into account the requirements of time and form for the refund to proceed (10 days before the beggining of the course, communication by e-mail with acknowledgment of receipt)

In these cases, the student doesn’t have to justify the reason and a refund of a maximum of the 60% of the total paymente could be refunded. Financial fees will be on charge of the student. In no case will Spanish Courses Unamuno be responsible for these costs.

As an alternative to the return, the student can keep his reservation with Spanish Courses Unamuno for a period of 6 months.

3.- Due to force majeure

Once the organization has to proceed to cancelate the course / program of an student or a group of students for reasons of force majeure, the total of the payment done will be refunded. Financial and management fees don’t be repercuted to student / students in these particular case.

Among the cases of force majeure could include: infrastructure damage (floods, fires or other types of accidents or natural disasters), bankruptcy of the organization, failure to seek adequate resources, etc.

As an alternative to the return, the student can keep his reservation with Spanish Courses Unamuno for a period agreed between the parties.

Special Extras:

Groups: To group requests for special character (reduction or enlargement of scheduled times, lower number of participants in one group or other reasons) will be calculated a minimum surcharge of 30% on the course price per hour for groups .

Courses Online:

There is no enrolment fee charge in the case you follow an online course.

The payment of the total amount of the course chosen should be done before the keys to access our e-learning space, have been sent.

After 6 months from the end of the course, the student data will be deleted from the online training platform.

A suspension of the course may be assessed for a maximum of 4 weeks, for justified reasons. The reactivation of a course after the maximum suspension period will imply a surcharge or payment of the entire course if the student’s data has already been deleted from the platform.

Once the payment has been made, no right of reimbursement will be granted. However, each particular case may be assessed to extend the starting date of the chosen course, reserving the spot in the course, provided that there are justified reasons.