Área de profesores ¡con materiales ELE gratis!


510, 2018

Salamanca/ Live your immersion experience in Salamanca, Spain!

By |October 5th, 2018|General|Comments Off on Salamanca/ Live your immersion experience in Salamanca, Spain!

711, 2017

My experience working in Spanish Courses Unamuno

By |November 7th, 2017|General|Comments Off on My experience working in Spanish Courses Unamuno

707, 2016

About San Fermín and a writer

By |July 7th, 2016|General|Comments Off on About San Fermín and a writer

Everybody in Spain knows that the celebration of San Fermín is celebrated the 7th of July. For those of you who didn’t know, you can check this famous and memorable song that won’t let you forget the celebration’s date. With this song you will also learn the days of the week and the numbers in […]

704, 2016

Spanish Language in the USA

By |April 7th, 2016|General|Comments Off on Spanish Language in the USA

Spanish has been a part of the United States society for a long time now. We can see the language of Cervantes on the movies and TV shows since late 50s and most of the times, those Little words has become famous. I know that Hasta la vista baby is very familiar for most of […]

1103, 2016


By |March 11th, 2016|General|Comments Off on 5 TIPS TO HELP YOU PASS YOUR DELE EXAM, DON’T MISS IT!

Did you know that nowadays there are more tan 20 million Spanish students? This number grows every day and it is estimated that it will keep rising since knowing Spanish has proved to be very useful in real live. Not only for business purposes but also for leisure and private life. Spanish is your best […]

710, 2015

Spanish Courses Unamuno, nuevo centro examinador de las pruebas CCSE.

By |October 7th, 2015|General|Comments Off on Spanish Courses Unamuno, nuevo centro examinador de las pruebas CCSE.

La prueba CCSE del Instituto Cervantes pone de relieve los conocimientos constitucionales y socioculturales de España y su superación es requisito para la obtención de la nacionalidad española tal y como podemos leer en la página web del Instituto Cervantes (https://ccse.cervantes.es)

¿A quién se dirige?
A aquellos interesados en obtener la nacionalidad española, ya sea por su […]

3006, 2015

Mi experiencia en la empresa

By |June 30th, 2015|General|Comments Off on Mi experiencia en la empresa

Nos gustaría compartir con todos vosotros las palabras que nos ha dedicado nuestro alumno de prácticas, Matthieu Sempaire, contándonos su experiencia en la escuela y en Salamanca.
Desde Spanish Courses Unamuno nos gustaría agradecerle una vez más, su participación activa y su buena predisposición. Esperamos que el también esté aprovechando su experiencia en nuestra escuela y esté […]

1105, 2015

Do you need more reasons to come to Salamanca to learn Spanish?

By |May 11th, 2015|General|Comments Off on Do you need more reasons to come to Salamanca to learn Spanish?

For its history linked to culture and art, Salamanca is the ideal environment to study Spanish in their historical and cultural atmosphere. Thanks to the university, Salamanca is a young city with great atmosphere in which it is very easy to make friends and practice speaking Spanish with their inhabitants.

Each year, thousands of students from around the world chose Salamanca […]

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